The Gluteus Medius and Gluteus Minimus muscles are a pair of muscles located in the lateral posterior hip area. The Gluteus Medius originates on the Gluteal surface of the Ilium, just under the Iliac crest and inserts on the Greater Trochanter of the Femur (see image A). Its primary action is abduction of the hip (taking the leg away from the body in a lateral motion), but it is also involved in both internal and external rotation as well as stabilization of the hip.
The Gluteus Medius originates on the Gluteal surface of the Ilium, but a bit lower than the Gluteus Medius since it is situated underneath or deep to the Gluteus Medius, it also inserts on the Greater Trochanter of the Femur (see image A). As with the Gluteus Medius muscle the Gluteus Minimus’ primary action is the abduction of the hip, but it also assists in internal rotation and stabilization of the hip as well.
Since these two muscles are almost constantly in use, it is important to make sure they do not get overly tight; this could cause pain not just in the hip area, but also up into the lower back, down through the Gluteal region and in back of the leg. Below are 4 effective stretches to target those muscles.
Pigeon pose is a great stretch for most of the muscles in the hip region and the Gluteus Medius and Gluteus Minimus are no exception. Most people are probably familiar with one variation of this stretch or another. It is best to choose the variation that works best for your and your level of mobility/flexibility.
The figure 4 stretch is another great stretch for the Gluteus Medius and Minimus muscles and can be done with or without a supporting structure (though much easier with one). This stretch, like the pigeon pose, is great for the lateral posterior muscles in the hip area.
Leg crossovers are another great stretch for this area and they also benefit the low back and lateral leg. This stretch can also be done by wrapping a band or rope around your foot if you are not able to reach your foot with your hand.
Seated leg cradle or seated leg scoop is another effective stretch for the Gluteus Medius and Minimus. This stretch is great because it gives you more control over the stretch than a lot of other poses and stretches do. Just start in a seated position and pull your lower leg up toward your chest .
Seated Gluteus stretch or seated spinal twist can also be used to target the Gluteus Medius and Minimus muscles as well stretch the lower back.
At Phila Massages, your therapist can help demonstrate stretches as well as add them to your session. Consider adding regular stretching to your routine to keep hip tightness at bay.
Image Reference (retrieved 10/17/19):
References (retrieved 10/17/19):
This article/video is for educational purposes only; do not attempt without your physician’s clearance. If you are in pain or injured, see your physician.
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