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Neck Pain: Where is Your Head Right Now?
Neck pain is one of the most common complaints we see as massage therapists. And in a world where most people spend the majority of their day on a computer, that’s no surprise. In fact, if you’re reading this blog post, you’re on a computer right now. Time for a pop quiz: Where is your…
Understanding Hamstring Strains: “POP!”
Hamstring strains, or tears, are a common occurrence in runners and sprinters. There are several contributing factors to hamstring strains and there is a high chance of recurring injury. Strains in the hamstrings are more frequent than in some other muscles for several reasons: muscle imbalance, excessive neural tension (tonus), lack of flexibility, fatigue, and…
Plantar Fascitiis
Foot facts! Plantar Fasciitis, what is it? Plantar Fasciitis (PF) is a common foot problem that can cause pain in the arch or heel of the foot. The pain is from inflammation of a band of tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot from the heel to the toes. When the tissue becomes…
Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJD)
The temporomandibular joint, or, the jaw, is the most frequently used joint in the body – it assists in chewing, swallowing, speaking, yawning, clenching, breathing, even facial expressions… the list goes on. On any given day, the jaw moves 2000-3000 times! The jaw is a sliding hinge joint, allowing for extreme mobility. It moves forward,…
IT band syndrome or Why is my IT band sore and what can I do about it !?
Many athletes, especially endurance athletes, suffer from Ilio-Tibial Syndrome (ITBS). ITBS is an inflammation of the Ilio-Tibial band (ITB) at the knee, causing outer knee pain. The causes of ITBS can be varied but the treatment options are usually the same: massage, stretching and strengthening. What causes ITBS? The IT band is a fibrous band…
Self-Care Tips to use in-between massage sessions
Getting regular massages has many benefits, but those benefits are tremendously increased if self-care techniques are used in between sessions. This “homework”, given by your therapist, usually includes: hot/cold therapy, stretching, self-massage, lifestyle habits and rest. 1) Hot/cold therapy: Hot therapy: heat helps soothe and relax the muscles, and increases blood flow to the area. It…
Proper posture at the office desk
Many of us spend hours a day seated: at the office desk, in the car, in front of the TV, … More often than not, this seated position is a slumped one that can lead to lower back pains, possible disk degeneration and hernias, as well as neck and shoulder pains [1], symptoms sometimes found…