Tennis elbow is a repetitive stress injury that is becoming more. Named for to its common occurrence with tennis players, recently it has become more common to those who do a lot of computer work. Anyone that does frequent repetitive wrist and forearm activity, such as plumbers, carpenters, hairdressers, weightlifters, and cooks, are also susceptible…
Inflammation is an essential, natural response by the body to treat injury or infection. Without the inflammatory response, injuries would not heal and infections could fester. There are two types of inflammation, acute and chronic. This article will focus on the acute inflammatory response that occurs due to an injury. So, what exactly is going…
Shoulder Anatomy The shoulder complex is made up of 3 joints: the Glenohumeral joint, the Acromioclavicular joint, and the Sternoclavicular joint. The most commonly affected during a dislocation is the Glenohumeral joint. This joint is a ball and socket joint, which is one of the most mobile types of joints in the body. It is…
Anatomy The big toe muscle, or Flexor Hallicus Longus (FHL) is 1 of 3 deep muscles located on the posterior aspect of the Fibula (outside lower leg bone) below the deep fascia. This muscle has its own synovial sheath traveling deep down near the Flexor Retinaculum, crossing the posterior ankle joint, and lateral to the…
Fig. 1 The Triceps Brachii is a muscle group in the back of the upper arms. We perform many usual tasks and movements involving the Triceps, and at times we even focus on them in our workouts. Such repetitive use can lead to muscle strain. We will review below some ways to prevent strain occurrence…
Every lower body movement connects in to your hips and pelvis. At the base of your pelvis are your adductor muscles, also referred to as your inner thighs. These muscles assist with adduction (pulling your legs together), flexion and medial rotation of the legs. Cause A groin strain usually occurs from a sudden, awkward movement…
One of the most common injuries experienced by athletes is the sprained ankle. According to the British Journal of Sports Medicine [1], about 40% of all ankle sprain injuries that occur are sports-related. A large portion of those injured individuals will develop chronic ankle instability which results in persistent pain, swelling, or recurrent sprains for…
Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) is a condition that involves the compression of nerves, arteries and/or veins in the lower neck and upper chest causing pain in the arm, shoulder, and/or neck. The most common TOS involve the brachial plexus or subclavian artery as they pass from the base of the neck to the armpit and…
Definition Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS) is more commonly known as runner’s or jumper’s knee. It’s a very common condition that can affects athletes and non-athletes, around 3 million people in the US per year. Symptoms PFPS symptoms are described as a dull, achy pain under or on top of the kneecap, stiffness, sometimes with swelling,…
A common sports injury that athletes such as runners, tennis players, and basketball players deal with is the calf strain. A calf strain is a tear of the muscle fibers in the back of the lower leg which consists of the Gastrocnemius and Soleus muscles. Symptoms can include a sudden sharp pain at the back…